Top-Quality re-usable surgical instruments offer real value
In todays throw away world, it would amaze most people, that single-use surgical instruments are even a consideration, let alone the norm! This implies ignoring several important humanitarian questions; how precission quality required for surgical instruments are overlooked; or that our hospitals are needlessly adding to "land-fills" a massive quanity of valuable resourced alloys; or that to produce single-use surgical instruments, a whole child industry is mobilised in several countries, aided by our buying habits and dubious safety concerns around re-processing in hospitals. These are all worth there own blog, however instead, I would like to draw attention to "real quality" surgical instruments, that are still made the same traditional way, set down by Leonard Snowden and George Pencer since 1951. Surgery is a craft that requires many hours of practice, thought and no small amount of "surgical skill". However like all good craftsmen, the tools of the trade are a vital part of the overall process. The old addage of "blaming ones tools" may have no better place than the surgical operating room. In today's litagous world, don't put yourself in the firing line, insist that you have the necessary "tools" for the job. If you are a surgeon who considers yourself to be "the best" (and I've not met many surgeons who don't), then insist on the best ONLY. Visit Snowden Pencer