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Fat Grafting Cannula – Harvesting Cannula
Fat Grafting or Lipo-Modelling is the removal and re-injection of the patients own fat cells to remodel contour deficits in other areas of the body. Widely used in breast reconstruction and other breast asymmetry corrections and other body contour corrections. Fat is also used as a filler for contour defects and aesthetic improvements to lines and wrinkles to the face, hands, genital areas, using micro or nanofat, a reduced fat particle size and injected through smaller, finer cannula. When carried out effectively, fat grafting can be up to 70% successful utilizing the patients own fat as a permanent correction.
Eurosurgical supply a wide range of Fat Grafting cannula, for Fat Harvesting and Fat Injection. All the cannula are blunt tipped to reduce haematoma and minimise subsequent bruising.