The film, directed by Daniel Junge and Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy is also the first Oscar for Pakistan and a great reminder of the power of film in todays society issues. Mohammed Jawad was introduced to Matriderm by Eurosurgical, back in 2008 whilst working as a consultant plastic and reconstructive surgeon at London’s Chelsea & Westminster hospital. Indeed Mohammed’s “fame” began with his bold treatment of Katy Piper, the victim of an acid attach in London. The use of Matriderm as a dermal substitue on Katy’s deep deraml “burns”, was a first world-wide. Matriderm acts as a template for dermal growth, allowing the epidermis to have stretch and movement, where a skin-graft often doesn’t.
With the experience of treating Katy Pipers facial burn, Mohammed was contacted by his native country to “help” with the terrible, but all to frequent use of acid to disfigure women in attacts. His work was caught on film by the documentary makers and led all the way to a red-carpetted Oscar winning preformance.
Well done and many congratulations from Eurosurgical.